
SPbU will conduct Russian as a Foreign Language Testing in the United States

Источник фотоматериала: https://spbu.ru/sites/default/files/styles/card_200/public/zastavka.jpg?itok=zPVRh4aQ


The partnership between St Petersburg University and Bard College in New York allows for various activities aimed at the promotion and popularisation of the Russian language and culture in the United States.

As a part of this cooperation, the Russian Exam Centre was established which made Russian as a Foreign Language Testing (TORFL) available to residents in the United States. By taking TORFL you will receive an objective and reliable assessment of your Russian language skills and obtain an internationally recognised certificate upon successful completion of the exam.

‘The number of Americans interested in Russian language and culture has been steadily growing in the past few years. Although, until recently, they did not have an opportunity to have their language skills professionally assessed and confirmed with an official international document. Since 2020 they do have such an opportunity,’ said the Head of the St Petersburg University Testing Centre Dmitry Ptyushkin.

The exam can be taken online in the comfort of your own home, which is especially relevant under the current circumstances. The results are available within less than a week. The first testing session will be held in May 2021.

Apart from testing, St Petersburg University is planning to organise many other events in the sphere of Russian as a foreign language together with its partners in the United States. This includes seminars and webinars for the teachers, Olympiads and competitions for the students, conferences and discussions.


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