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Факультет среднего профессионального образования Национального исследовательского университета ИТМО

Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education - ITMO University

Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education provides a unique opportunity to become a student of the ITMO University after the ninth school grade.

The Faculty manages the admission on the base of nine and eleven grades.

The Faculty trains skilled IT professionals majoring in

  • Programming in computer systems
  • Information systems in economics
  • Computer networks
  • Automatic control systems.

Faculty's graduates are demanded specialists in various fields of information technologies

  • Development, testing of applications
  • Development and exploitation of applied informational systems
  • Introduction of computer information, analytical and control systems in the enterprise
  • Development and operation of databases, enterprise information systems
  • Development of communication systems and complexes
  • Maintenance and support for digital systems, electronic testing equipment, development of microelectronics.

Faculty is involved in the implementation of a program of continuing professional education, which enables graduates to continue their education at the University on the Facultys of higher education from the 3rd or 2nd year.

In the process of education, students receive in-depth knowledge and practical training in the field of programming technologies, computer architecture, system software, hardware and software of computer networks, information security, computer simulation. Organization of educational process is aimed at creating conditions for the disclosure of personal potential of each student, personal development of professional interests, skills, self-education. To this end, at the Faculty is created a Students' scientific society, in which students of II - IV courses take part. In its framework  scientific and practical developments are performed, the results of which students present at scientific conferences, publish reports and articles, forming their scientific potential.


Образовательные программы

09.02.07 Информационные системы и программирование - очная
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