
Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Full name: Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Rector: Dmitry O. Ivanov

Official site: https://gpmu.org/eng/

E-mail: gpmu_priem@mail.ru, apply.gpmu@gmail.com

Phone: +7 (812) 295-06-46

Address: 2, Litovskaya st., St. Petersburg, 194100

Admission help: +7 (812) 416-54-44

Metro station: Lesnaya

Students are provided with dormitory

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

The city children hospital "In memory of saint coronation of their Imperial Majesties" was founded on 25th of May in 1905.

Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University was founded in 1925 as Academic and Research Institute of Maternal health and babyhood protection on the hospital basement on 7th of January in 1925.

For many decades, the University is an international center of higher medical education. Over the past half-century it graduated several thousand of foreign students from 70 countries from 4 continents. Currently, University is opened for students from over 50 countries. In University may be taken person of either sex, nation and race, regardless of political or religious beliefs of any state that has diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation.

Saint-Petersburg state pediatric medical university provides high educational level, which garantees high demand in the labor market.

Traditionaly scientific researches are the one of the important parts of work in our university and include the main areas of medicine. According to Russian Science Index the university is in the TOP-3 of the all medical organizations in Russian Federation, and in TOP-25 of the all scientific organizations in our country.

Saint-Petersburg state pediatric medical university related agreements of cooperation and partnership with foreign medical organizations: The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Houston, USA), Democritus University of Thrace (Alexandroupolis, Greece), Belarus State medical university (Minsk, Belarus), Mhitara Geraci's Erevan State medical university (Erevan, Armenia).

Students have a practice in the university hospital (one of the biggest in Russia) from first days in university.

The hospital is a federal medical organization with the one of the biggest scientific bases and acient traditions of Leningrad's pediatric school. The university has a modern diagnostic technologies: multislice computer tomography, MRI, US-scanners, installation for radiologists, modern radioisotope laboratory and etc. Clinical and biochemical, bacteriological and virological laboratories allow to perform the entire spectrum of researchies at the advanced level.


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